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Can you tell me a creepy psychological trick? @LIFE BLOG.

Can you tell me a creepy psychological trick @LIFE BLOG.

Can you tell me a creepy psychological trick?

When you are talking to someone, suddenly look behind him. He will immediately turn and look behind himself to see what it was that made you look. If you do this 3–4 times he will be thoroughly creeped out and will actually change his position so he can himself command the view of what’s behind him. It works even better in a situation where there’s a view behind. This trick is truly creepy because in the right kind of ambiance, the person feels there’s someone he cannot see, and quickly freaks out.
Can you tell me a creepy psychological trick @LIFE BLOG.

When you are talking to someone, look at your watch with sudden movement. The person you are talking to will feel very uncomfortable that he is encroaching on your time and will try to leave you. He may even ask you if you are in a hurry. (Somehow, looking for time on your mobile phone does not produce the same result, though looking at a wall clock does.)

When you are talking to someone, abruptly shush him in the middle and try to act as if you’re trying to listen to something faint that he couldn’t hear. You might add some special effects like: ‘Hey, did you hear that?’ Very creepy! Do it a couple of times and he will turn very uncomfortable.

Can you tell me a creepy psychological trick @LIFE BLOG.

When you are talking to someone, if you lower your volume or whisper, the person will automatically lower his own volume to suit your pitch or whisper back, even if he doesn’t know why you suddenly whispered. It works best in argument situations, explanations, lectures or controlling others when somebody is getting louder than you like. You lower your volume and he has to climb down.

(Many people believe that speaking louder gives them more authority. This is not always true. In any argumentative or any other situation where we want to control the reins in our hands, lowering volume always helps. We automatically gain authority and control over the person or persons who were speaking loudly. Largely also because the loud person knows only being loud and gets terribly confused when he has to lower his volume. (He uses loud volume as his strength.) This kinda disarms him and that’s where you gain grounds.)

Can you tell me a creepy psychological trick @LIFE BLOG.

When you are in a room with one or more persons, busy in conversations or in silence, tap 2–3 times a table top, your laptop, a book or any surface with your knuckles like you’re knocking. No matter what everyone is doing, even when they are 200% convinced there’s no visitor at the door, they will jerk themselves in the direction of the sound to see what it is. Human mind is tuned to the idea of linking knocking as an action that demands immediate response from them, (such as opening the door when a visitor knocks). This trick is fun to creep out friends and distract them, and very very annoying in general settings. It keeps throwing people off their focus and concentration.

Thanks for reading the article.
     Thanks to:-(LIFE BLOG)

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